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It might seem cliche to discuss Florida and cocaine together. These aren’t the days of Miami’s big cocaine boom. Still, Tampa authorities and police throughout the state make cocaine-related arrests relatively routinely. Men and women find themselves accused
Marijuana laws are changing. They are changing across the country, as well as right here in Florida. When drug laws become less strict, people might too easily believe that they are protected. If you become the target of
Many of us can look back on our teen years and recognize that we may have made bad choices. It is generally normal for teens to push some boundaries and engage in risky behaviors. These behaviors include drug
Not everyone who is accused of committing a drug offense in Florida is guilty of the charge. Especially today, when authorities give us reason not to trust them and when marijuana laws are changing, men and women find
In our past post we shared how the recent election results included Florida’s approval to expand medical marijuana laws in the state. It is a potential change worth discussing further. It might be most helpful to discuss the
Florida voters might be less wrapped up in the reality that Donald Trump won the election than others in the country. Why? Because Florida voters chose by a large majority to expand the legalization of medical marijuana. In
You are out driving in Tampa. A police officer pulls you over. Maybe he tells you that you were speeding. This is a pretty routine traffic stop, but even a routine incident can become something more serious if
The United States is infamous for its ongoing “War on Drugs.” In at least a couple of cases outside of Florida, authorities have adopted their own, some might say startling, method of fighting drug use in their communities.
The idea of drug crimes and drug arrests too often brings to mind the kinds of scandalous cases that TV crime shows might depict. The reality is all types of people, from various walks of life, can and
Police and prosecutors in the state of Florida aggressively pursue drug cases. If you become the target of their aggressive drug prosecution tactics, do not hesitate to work with a criminal defense lawyer whom you trust. Why? Even
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